Unilever to use Blockchain Technique to Achieve Deforestation-Free Supply Chain By 2023

Unilever to use Blockchain Technique to Achieve Deforestation-Free Supply Chain By 2023

The British-Dutch multinational firm Unilever is planning to set out with a new range of measures to improve the health of our planet mother earth by investing € 1 billion in climate change projects and reduce greenhouse emissions to zero from all its products by 2039.

Unilever, a consumer goods company that owns brands such as Vaseline, Dove, Knorr, Ben & Jerry’s, and many other well-known brands have announced that it will be leveraging blockchain to reduce deforestation and greenhouse emission.

The company also targets to use blockchain and other numerous technologies to improve transparency and traceability for its supply chain.

Around 30% of the world landmass is covered with rainforest and the sections of forests around half of the size of England are being shredded off every year due to deforestation. Rainforests act as the planet’s lungs and provide oxygen by absorbing carbon dioxide. Deforestation acts as a major fuel of climate change.

Uniliver Chief Supply Chain Officer Marc Engel added that:

“In the end, they are the stewards of the land. We must, therefore, empower and work with a new generation of farmers and smallholders in order to make a step-change in regenerating nature,”

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Univer believes that with the help of emerging technologies like blockchain and others it would create a deforestation-free supply chain by 2023.

The firm is also working with numerous (NGO’s) non-governmental organizations to protect other important areas of high conservation value. Unilever is also looking to help and regenerate nature, just by increasing local biodiversity, restoring soil health, preserving water, and by reusing it.

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