engineering graduates worried about placements

Around One-Third of Engineers are Worried about their Placements.

According to Survey and reports by BridgeLabz, around one-third of engineering grads from India are worried about their timely placements. The survey was conducted over 1000 grads hailing from different engineering disciplines. Only 24% of engineers are confident of getting placed with the desired package with their existing skillset, said by IP-driven company incubation lab…

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Pubg became Highest grossing game worldwide

Tencent’s PUBG Mobile Became the Highest-Grossing Game in World.

PUBG(Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds Mobile), the popular game by Chinese internet giant Tencent Holdings. PUBG successfully pulled over USD $226 million(roughly Rs 1.7 thousand crores) in May. Making it the highest-grossing game in the world for May 2020. App analytics firm Sensor Tower reported that PUBG mobile’s revenue in May represented a 41% year-on-year increase. The…

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German Web Agency, Galaxy Marketing Helps You Grow Your Social Media Presence Through Its Marketing Services

With the ever-increasing internet penetration, digital marketing is one of the most popular marketing methods in today’s day and age. Under digital marketing, social media is arguably the most effective marketing channel that businesses use to communicate with their audience.  People spend an immense amount of time on their mobile devices, and especially on social…

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Auf der Einkaufsliste: Die E1 Holding GmbH kauft Einkaufszentren in ganz Deutschland

Handelsimmobilien – das heißt große Einkaufs- und Fachmarktzentren, sind unter Investoren als Kapitalanlage sehr beliebt. In der Branche gelten sie als sehr renditestark und rentabel. Welche Argumente für ein Investment in “EKZ”-Objekte sprechen und worauf Anleger achten sollten, erklären die Experten der E1 Holding GmbH aus Wiesbaden. Warum sind Einkaufszentren lukrative Anlageobjekte? Die sogenannten EKZ…

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