
Coronavirus in the UK – The Nation Has Started to Turn the Tide

Coronavirus tide in the UK

Boris Johnson has mentioned that the UK is now turning the tide on handling the transmission of coronavirus, though the nation is still facing a stage of “highest risk.” Boris Johnson also has addressed that he won’t be forced to stop the lockdown too soon.

He gave thanks to the people for giving up basic freedom. He said that he realized the way how hard that was especially on entrepreneurs, businesses, and the hospitality sector and that the economy of the nation had been undergoing. Nevertheless, he had spoken straight to those people who are pushing for the stop to the lockdown earlier instead of late. He said that it would be risky if there would be any second spike of infections.

What did Boris Johnson say about the tide?

Boris Johnson said that he could see the consequences of the lockdown, as he predicted what could happen in the long run, and he shared the urgency of people. They must recognize the danger of the second spike and the danger of losing proper control of the virus and allowing the replication rate to return to the normal condition.

He added that he wanted to get that economy moving as quickly as he could, but he refused to lift away all the efforts as well as the sacrifice of the UK people and the possible danger of another outbreak.

He has asked all the businesses to hold their impatience and realize that success had been lying in eliminating the virus, which had been a moment of notable risk across the world.

There would a time when the nation could fire up its engine of this huge UK economy, but that would highly depend on meeting the tests that the government had installed that are –

  • Decreasing the death rate
  • NHS not being so astonished
  • Decreasing the infection rate
  • PPE supply
  • Bypassing another peak of the outbreak
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